In the strange world of the planet Aeros lives a people, not unlike us. However, this alternate reality has followed a slightly different path than our own, and though their nature is primitive and roamed by savage beasts, they have made a remarkable technological progress in the field of anti-gravity … driven by their never-ending thirst for air-rush!
‘Air-Rush’ is 3D retro-futuristic racing adventure that will consume you and never let go! It takes place in a fantasy world with jungles, deserts and other pre-historic environments. The vehicles are inspired by the retro-style of 1930’s automobiles, with a slight touch of the future.
\- 3 Race tracks
\- 6 different hover-cars to race
\- 6 different characters, one for each car
\- Unique vehicle designs
\- Advanced vehicle physics
\- 3 different weapons
\- 3 camera views
\- Vibrant sound effects
\- Unique music score
Recommended System Requirements | ||
CPU | Pentium III 500MHz | |
RAM | 64MB RAM | |
OS | Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP | |
Graphics Card | 8MB graphic card | |
HDD Space | 400 MB HDD |