Adventures of DinoRiki was developed by Hudson Soft, Released in September 1989
North American release. Game developed in Japan. For more information about the game itself, please see the original Japanese release entry; “Shin Jinrui – The New Type [Model RES-SG]”.
Description from the back cover:
In prehistoric times, where ancient dinosaur creatures ruled, the adventures of Dino-Riki began. A courageous and intelligent young man, Dino-Riki, is determined to establish mankind’s future in this violent age. Dino-Riki must explore and fight his way through deserts filled with quicksand, sinking lotus swamps, dark caverns and deep canyons. As Dino-Riki begins his adventure, he is armed with a shooting weapon that will change and progress from rocks to axes, from axes to boomerangs, from boomerangs to fiery torches, by collecting . There are many hidden items that will help Dino-Riki to increase his strength , life , fly like an eagle , one that will change Dino-Riki to Macho-Riki, the ancient warrior, and many more. Dino-Riki will need all the ancient knowledge and items he can find before facing the dinosaur bosses: Tyrannosaurus, Pteranodon, Monster Fly and Giant Cobra.
Other Informations:
Adventures of DinoRiki was released in September 1989 in North America.