Advanced Tactical Fighter II
_ATF: Advanced Tactical Fighter_ is an action-oriented flight game. The game
is set during a war of two unnamed war parties over an unnamed island. The
player mans an Lockheed ATF fighter bomber to win the battle.
The goal of every round is to destroy a number of strategic targets. The
positions are shown on the jet’s on board computer and the player can tackle
them in any order. The game is action-oriented in nature, but the player still
needs to take care of a few parameters, like a constant speed to avoid
crashing or limited fuel and ammo. When resources or health are low (and the
jet is near a friendly base), the player can start an automatic landing
sequence to refill and repair. On the way to the targets it is either possible
to take on enemy jets in direct combat or to fly low to avoid detection. The
camera is fixed behind the jet’s back.