## Description
_Acornsoft Games Pack 3_ is a collection of three games.
* _Rat Trap_ is a two player action game where each player controls a rat. It plays similar to a Snake game with each rat leaving behind a trail albeit with freer movement not limited to ninety degrees turns. Points are earned every time the opponent is killed which happens whenever it crashes into the tails of either rat.
* _Lunar Lander_ is a version of the arcade game with the same name (as well as earlier mainframe variants). The player’s task is to land a spacecraft on the base of a crater and to succeed the craft has to touch down with a rate of descent of less than 20. Touching any of the sides of the crater will lead to a crash and the game has to be restarted. Like its namesakes thrust controls are used to steer the craft and prevent it from falling too fast.
* _Black Box_ is an adaptation of the board game with the same name. It’s played on a 8 by 8 grid where the player has to deduce the positions of four atoms. This is done by firing rays into the grid and observe if they are reflected or absorbed. The game uses three modes: edge mode where rays are shot from the sides, atom mode where the player picks the positions of the atoms and the guess mode where the solution is sent and the computer will indicate which guesses are correct.