68000-Based Single Board Computer was developed by Wichit Sirichote., Released in 2002
This computer has no sound, and no facility for saving or loading programs.
Other Informations:
CPU: 68HC000 68-pin PLCC @8MHz,
Memory: SRAM 256kB (628128×2),FLASH 256kB (29C010x2),
GPIO: 8-bit output port, 8-bitinput port,
UART: 6850 9600 8n1,
RTC: DS12887,
Glue logic: DTACK, memory/iodecoder, Xilink XC9572 CPLD,
Monitor program: zBugV1.0
Monitor commands list
A: About zBug V1.0
B: Boot from RAM [100000]-> SP [100004] ->PC
C: Clear memory with0x0000
D: Disassemble machinecode to mnemonic
E: Edit memory
F: Fill memory with 0xFFFF
H: Hex dump memory
J: Jump to address
L: Load Motorola s-record
N: New 24-bit pointer
R: Register(user) display
S: Stack(user)’s content
T: Trace instruction
.: Modify user registers,exp .PC .D0 .A0
By: Wichit Sirichote