The year is 272 BC and the republic is young.. to the north are the barbarians to the east the greeks to the south carthage romes worst enemy.. in this era rome is beset by enemys it’s main one carthage under the rule of hanibal barca is about to make a trip accross the alps and into itally the heart of the republic itself but rome relies on nothing but a millitia at this period in history calling on it’s own citisens to defend the republic but this is no ordenary millitia it is a well disiplend force capable of defeating anyfoe that comes near them the tribune scippio is in charge of the roman millitia and he is determaned to crush the carthaginians when they reach itallian soil but this was not meant to be he was defeated by hannibals numidian calvary at cannae but then he pledged to him self saying “carthage must be destroyed” and that he did at the battle of zama which he would use hannibals tactics against him and rome would be safe untill the next punic war…
272:BC the rise of rome was developed by Legionstudios
272:BC the rise of rome was Released on Windows
272:BC the rise of rome is a Single Player game