This content requires the base game Deadswitch 3 on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content ## SHARDS * 15 Shards ## BOOSTS * 2x XP for 24 hours ## WEAPONS * PKP Pecheneg (LMG) * AK47 (Assault Rifle) ## CHARACTER ITEMS * Bowie Knife (Melee Weapon) * [...]
This content requires the base game Deadswitch 3 on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content ## SHARDS * 15 Shards ## BOOSTS * 2x XP for 24 hours ## WEAPONS * M47 (Shotgun) * AK74u (SMG) ## CHARACTER ITEMS * Machete (Melee Weapon) * Recon (Body) * [...]
This content requires the base game Deadswitch 3 on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content ## SHARDS * 15 Shards ## BOOSTS * 2x XP for 24 hours ## WEAPONS * R700 (Sniper Rifle) * Desert Eagle (Pistol) ## CHARACTER ITEMS * Hachet (Melee Weapon) * [...]
This content requires the base game Deadswitch 3 on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content ## SHARDS * 15 Shards ## BOOSTS * 2x XP for 24 hours ## WEAPONS * MSG90 (Sniper Rifle) * P90 (SMG) ## CHARACTER ITEMS * Crowbar (Melee Weapon) * Recon (Body) [...]
This content requires the base game Deadswitch 3 on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content ## SHARDS * 15 Shards ## BOOSTS * 2x XP for 24 hours ## WEAPONS * FAMAS (Assault Rifle) * M93R (Machine Pistol) ## CHARACTER ITEMS * Crowbar (Melee Weapon) * [...]
This content requires the base game Deadswitch 3 on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content ## SHARDS * 15 Shards ## BOOSTS * 2x XP for 24 hours ## WEAPONS * RSASS (Sniper Rifle) * Vector (SMG) ## CHARACTER ITEMS * Combat Knife (Melee Weapon) * [...]
Deadswitch 3 is a fast-paced 2D multiplayer shooter. Experience action-packed combat with hundreds of weapons and multiple solo and team-based game modes. ## About This Game Deadswitch 3 is an action packed fast-paced 2D multiplayer shooter. ## RANKED [...]