A brave warrior named Galahar goes back to his hometown after 10 years of searching for his kidnapped daughter, who disappeared during raid at their village. Soon after arriving home at Solside Village, he is selected by the Mershiak Church to become a [...]
Vampires vs Werewolves vs Hunters… Guess which group you’re playing with? Find out in this exciting 16-bit style RPG full of twists and colorful characters!
Enjoy another classic 16-bit RPG from Warfare Studios of Vagrant Hearts, Ashes of Immortality and Valiant fame, and embark on a quest with Amelia and Roland as they make new friends, experience dreams, and discover their destiny.
A whole new side to the Ashes of Immortality saga! Defeat your enemies and complete sidequests in this compelling 16-bit saga inspired by Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.
Explore magical lands and discover your inner self in this exciting 16-bit style RPG from the same team that made Vagrant Hearts and Ashes of Immortality and featuring up to 20-30 hours of playtime.
Prepare for an epic 10 hour adventure in the world of Galager. Sura, the world’s most sought-after mercenary, leads a band of sell-swords in a last-ditch effort to save the world. Prepare for the Storm of Spears! Prepare for an epic 10 hour [...]
Enjoy pure 16-bit RPG goodness! Scarllet and Beatrice are two close sisters. One of them has the gift of healing, the more she knows about her gift the more she realizes how big her responsibility is. Features party splitting, beautiful artworks and an [...]
Explore the lands of Sirenus Bay, God’s Garden, Whitebleak, Fort Ember, God Snare, and the mysterious Immortal’s Abyss. Are you brave enough for this adventure?