Usagi Yasei no Topai – Yamashiro Mahjong Compilation( a.k.a. 兎 うさぎ -野性の闘牌-山城麻雀編 ) was developed by Warashi., Released in 2003 Other Informations: GAme ID: GDL-0022 Runs on the Sega “NAOMI GD-ROM System” hardware. Released in June 2003. [...]
Usagi was developed by Warashi., Released in December 2001 Other Informations: Runs on the “Taito G-Net” hardware. Released in December 2001 in Japan only. Based on the Manga of the same name.
Soutenryu was developed by Warashi., Released in 2000 Other Informations: Runs on the “Taito G-Net” hardware. Released in December 2000. – PORTS – * CONSOLES: Sony PlayStation 2 (2003, “Soutenryuu – The Arcade”) [...]
Shanghai Sangokuhai Tougi was developed by Warashi., Released in 2002 Other Informations: Runs on the “Taito G-Net” hardware. Shanghai Sangokuhai Tougi was released in January 2002. – PORTS – * CONSOLES: Sony PlayStation 2 (2002, [...]