Ochakumi ## Description Play as Ooe Rumiko, bored and hungry secretary, in this arcade-style game from Japan. Ooe must navigate through eight different office levels, propelling herself in her rolling office chair, and we all now how much fun rolling [...]
Nyamiru to Bonzu no Daibouken ## Description This adventure game sends Nyamiru, a cavalier puss-in-boots, and Bonzu, a pooch in a kabuto, through four levels of a castle filled with dangerous boar soldiers. In each area you will have to collect a certain [...]
Mori no Fukurou ## Description You play as Mumu, friendly yellow squirrel who is looking forward to an evening with his beloved Fufu. However you will have to eat all the fruit in the area before she will show up. Normally this would not be difficult, but [...]