Welcome to the Micro World of Jellyflug! Run, jump and battle your way through the micro-world of bacteria. Meet Grash as he explores the immense landscapes of kitchen sinks, floors, cutting boards from a completely new perspective; through the eyes of a [...]
You are Antibody, the first line of defence against germs and bacteria. Eat all the germs while dodging the enemies as you make your way through increasingly difficult levels in a race to the top of the leader board. The latest game in the Jellyflug [...]
LOOK OUT! There’s a raging seagull on the loose! STEALING food from upstanding citizens and causing chaos! Take flight! You are a seagull! Feel the wind blow through your feathers as you conquer the skies! Poo like you mean it! Seagulls are all about [...]
STAR TROLL has returned! Returned from his trip to the space supermarket for groceries. But what’s this!? ALIENS are on the attack! Have you got what it takes to defeat the evil alien army and navigate through dangerous asteroid fields? Action [...]