Valley of Unicorns ## Description Valley of Unicorns is an adoptable pets game based around collecting and raising a variety of mythical horses, in hundreds of different colors and poses. Despite the name, unicorns are not the only pets featured; the game [...]
StupidAdoptables ## Description StupidAdoptables was a spoof of adoptable pet games in which all the available “pets” were literal pieces of garbage, such as a hair-covered toothbrush or a moldy box of Chinese takeout. Players adopted pets by [...]
Celestial Vale ## Description Celestial Vale was a pet simulation game that focused on breeding mythological creatures and entering them into competitions, similar to real- world animal shows. Another prominent activity was collecting every color and [...]
Did the Alien bastards not learn their lesson the first time? Duke has been on hiatus for some time now, kicking back and franchising himself on the fame he gained from saving Earth from the first invasion. The Aliens have returned to Earth yet again, [...]