nloadsmodsvideosimagesThe Butcher is a Horror Game that follows the story of a private detective known as Douglas Trigg, who is called to investigate the house and laboratory of a friend known as Julian, who finds that his boss has been murdering and [...]
BUTCHER is a fast-paced 2D shooter game and a blood-soaked love letter to the early 90s. As a cyborg programmed to eradicate the last remains of humanity, your sole purpose is to well… annihilate anything that moves. So grab your weapon of choice [...]
Make friends, then blow them to bits! Trench Run is a mayhem-filled, laugh a minute casual multiplayer action game brought to you by the makers of King Arthur’s Gold and Soldat. Make friends, then blow them to bits! Trench Run is a mayhem-filled, laugh a [...]
Soldat (meaning “soldier” in Italian, German, Russian, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, French, Catalan and Romanian) is a Polish 2D multiplayer game for Windows. It is a side-scroller inspired by Liero and Scorched Earth, combined with elements [...]
If you like total freedom in the way you conquer the enemy this is the ultimate war game for you. Build freeform constructions as a medieval Builder, fight in sword duels as a Knight or snipe with your bow as an Archer. King Arthur’s Gold blends the [...]