De lejos, procedente de las nubes, se dejaba entrever una especie de zumbido, cada vez más intenso, que poco a poco se tornaba ensordecedor. Y tras él, una impresionante nave nodriza hacía una aparición estelar. De ella salieron dos naves de combate [...]
## Description In this Jules Verne inspired game you are gonna take a journey to the center of the earth. This game consist of three parts. In the first part you have to solve a puzzle by putting the parts in the correct order. In the second part you [...]
## Description Life has never been too quiet in Marrakesh, but lately things have been getting harder. Ait-Amar, the daughter of the sultan, has been kidnapped by a group of Berbers and they are forcing him to give half of his fortune within three days. [...]
## Description Fox is a member of the special corps CEO, and his next assignment is in the Soviet city of Chernovska. The last CEO member who was sent there went missing after sending a report on a new military project called RAM. _R.A.M._ is a [...]
## Description Peace had arrived finally at “Cocovillage” thanks to the good work made by Mad Mix, who had become the worthy successor of his grandfather. But the nightmare had still not finished, because a few miles away, in the town of his [...]
Mad Mix Game ## Description Mad Mix is a Pac-Man variant, with a typical bird’s eye view for each level and pellets you must eat in order to get to the next stages. Navigate the maze you’re trapped in and gobble up food while trying to avoid [...]