Gamma Force in Pit of a Thousand Screams ## Description In a dangerous world, individual superheroes are not enough. Even the best of them – a humanoid made of flame, an elf princess with a mean bow, and a musclebound waterbeast – can’t [...]
The American Challenge: A Sailing Simulation ## Description _The American Challenge: A Sailing Simulation_ is a sailing simulation which features eight courses. The player races against computer opponents and has to steer the boat and sail the trim and [...]
Lane Mastodon vs. the Blubbermen ## Description The year is 2029 and the evil Blubbermen have invaded earth. Only heroic Lane Mastodon can stop them, in a setting resembling science-fiction of the 1950’s. Lane Mastodon vs. the Blubbermen is, along [...]
Swiss Family Robinson ## Description Swiss Family Robinson is a computer game based on the 1812 novel by Johann David Wyss. Players take the role of Fritz, the eldest brother of a Swiss family that has been shipwrecked in the oceans of the East Indies en [...]
Sub Mission ## Description An evil alien warlord has kidnapped two Earthlings, Peter and Sigourney. He agrees to free them only on one condition: somebody must defeat him in a dangerous game that consists of piloting submarines with a remote control. Who [...]
The Halley Project: A Mission in Our Solar System ## Description In The Halley Project, the player is a star pilot who is given missions to travel between various objects within the solar system. The player starts out from a base on Halley’s Comet [...]