Glam is a hard, action packed acrobatic platformer game where you have to run, jump, climb and swing to make it to the exit without falling into the emptiness, getting hit by spikes and bullets, caught by goblins or squeezed by items. ## About This Game [...]
Sky Tourist is a puzzle… platformer? Not quite, but almost there, at least there are puzzles, but running and jumping are not part of the fun here! You play as Petey Pendant as he is propelled into the sky to collect cubelets, take pictures and solve [...]
The journey goes on with Petey Pendant, the astro-travel guru. This time he discovers the east side of Plumia, the jungle planet with mildly violent inhabitants, who are still making his way difficult. Escort him on this “Blitz Trip” on 60 [...]
Badass Trial Race pits you against the craziest obstacle courses on mobile. We are taking our own spin on this popular genre and bringing totally new mechanics to the table too! Badass Trial Race was developed by Three Legged Egg Badass Trial Race was [...]