Total Dark “Total Dark” is a classic arkanoid. You need to hit a ball with a platform, accurately directing it to the area covered by various plates. ## About This Game During many years Ristam village was protected from the evils by a [...]
Dear Esther is a first-person game about love, loss, guilt and redemption. Driven by story and immersion rather than traditional mechanics, it’s an uncompromisingly emotional experience.
“So Let Us Melt is a game about friendship, gardening and singing. It’s inspired by 70s sci-fi movies like Silent Running. It’s about the idea of a home, and being alone, and doing your best, and about the wonder and joy of watching things grow and [...]
Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture tells the story of the inhabitants of a remote English valley who are caught up in world-shattering events beyond their control or understanding. Made by The Chinese Room -- the studio responsible for the hauntingly [...]
The year is 1899. Wealthy industrialist Oswald Mandus awakes in his bed, wracked with fever and haunted by dreams of a dark and hellish engine. Tortured by visions of a disastrous expedition to Mexico, broken on the failing dreams of an industrial utopia, [...]
Little Orpheus Somewhere between rhythm game and musical instrument, inSynch is an arcade game at heart. Allowing the player to act while being acted upon: follow the score you compose, express intent making sense of the music born from your actions. A [...]
Dear Esther is a ghost story, told using first-person gaming technologies. Rather than traditional game-play the focus here is on exploration, uncovering the mystery of the island, of who you are and why you are here. Fragments of story are randomly [...]