ThatGameCompany is an American independent video game development studio co-founded by University of Southern California students Kellee Santiago and Jenova Chen in 2006 Official website:
Another game developed by thatgamecompany, the creators of titles like Journey and Flower. Sky for iOS was created due to the demands of players, who frequently asked the developer to create a game that can be played with other people. ### Plot The title [...]
The goals and journey in each level vary, but all involve flight,
exploration and interaction with the worlds presented to you. Using
simple SIXAXIS wireless controls and by pressing any button, the player
controls the lead petal and accumulates a [...]
Limited time iOS exclusive. “Embark on a unforgettable social adventure and an ever expanding world. Sky: Light Awaits is a heartwarming and beautifully-animated social adventure experience designed to be played together by you and your loved ones. [...]
Journey is a non mainstream computer game created by Thatgamecompany for the PlayStation 3. It was discharged on March 13, 2012, through the PlayStation Network. In Journey, the player controls a robed figure in a tremendous desert, voyaging towards a [...]
Flower vrsion for PC is a computer game created by Thatgamecompany and planned byJenova Chen and Nicholas Clark, and reported at the 2007 Tokyo Game Show. Bloom was discharged in February 2009 on PlayStation 3, by means of thePlayStation Network. [...]
Journey� '​s story is told wordlessly through in-game and pre-rendered cutscenes. The player's character begins on a sand dune in a seemingly endless desert. In the far distance looms a large, foreboding mountain with a glowing crevice that splits [...]
flOw is a game about piloting an aquatic organism through a surreal biosphere where players consume other organisms, evolve, and dive into the abyss. With an embedded design of DDA (dynamic difficulty adjustment), players with differing skill levels can [...]