Set in 1986. The story begin with an aspiring folklorist, Mafuyu Hinasaki decides one night to investigate the Himuro Mansion, a place that is said to be haunted, in search of renown folklorist Junsei Takamine. He brings with him a special hand-me-down, a [...]
Monster Rancher Advance 2 lets players create, train, and fight with monsters of their own choosing. Monsters are generated by inputting key phrases to create different monsters. Each phrase entered will create a unique monster, which will always appear [...]
Rei Kurosawa suffers a strange dream each night, since she took a photo of her dead boyfriend in an abandoned old mansion. Every night the dream will take her deeper and deeper in an old mansion, when she will have to find out what is going on.
Taken against her will to Alendar Kingdom, Layna who becomes your challenge is now under the control of the evil King Frederick. As her life wears thin, it becomes your sole mission to ensure Layna saves herself as King Frederick’s mysterious [...]
The arcade game begins with the following introduction:
4.5 billion years have passed since Earth's creation. Many dominators have ruled in all their glory, but time was their greatest enemy and it defeated their reign. And now a new dominator's reign [...]
Fatal Frame II is set in the fictional Minakami region of Japan. While a dam is being planned for construction in a forest at this location in the game's present, the site is also home to Minakami Village (lit. "All God's Village"), a "[l]ost" settlement [...]
Tecmo presents TRAPT for the PS2, a puzzle-based game that contains a number of horror elements in its interesting storyline. The game is a continuation of the KAGERO: Deception series that began on the Playstation, but players aren’t required to [...]
Tecmo World Soccer ’96 is a 2D soccer game. The game has a total of 32 playable teams, each with its own starting formation as well as ratings in three attributes: speed, power, and press. The teams are divided by groups of four into eight world [...]