Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams ## Description Restless Dreams is an updated version of of Silent Hill 2. It contains all of the content of the original version and adds several pieces of new content. The most significant is a new short scenario called [...]
Explore parts of the town that were closed off in the original – Incredible graphics and true-to-life CG visuals – Real-time weather effects, morphing and shadows – Atmospheric lighting and ambient surround sound makes every moment [...]
Silent Hill HD Collection is a compilation of remastered ports of Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Original games were developed by Team Silent, and ported to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 by Hijinx Studios. Since [...]
Silent Hill follows Harry Mason as he searches for his missing adopted daughter in the mysterious town of Silent Hill. Stumbling upon a cult conducting a ritual to revive a deity it worships, Harry discovers his daughter’s true origin.