Quiz game. The title of this game translates from Japanese as ‘Hiroko Moriguchi’s Rushing Wind Quiz!’ (Hiroko Moriguchi is the hostess’ name). ‘Hyuu-hyuu’ is Japanese onomatopoeia for rushing wind. Moriguchi Hiroko no Quiz
In Takahashi Naoko no Marathon Shiyouyo! your goal is to train the athletes in your sports club to become professional marathon runners, you can set 3 different goals, include championship in the Olympics, achievement of world record and become the best [...]
After a routine raid, the rookie sky pirate Coud finds a most unusual cargo in his mates’ cargo hold: Ren, an “Edel Reid”, a race prized by humans for granting special combat power to their partners through “Reacting”. He [...]
Space Invaders: Invasion Day is an out-and-out, old-school, shoot’em-up that sees our extraterrestrial enemies back doing what they do best. This time, however, the action takes place on Earth in locations spread across a major city. Players will [...]