A malevolent force known only as Lina is devouring data from a vast, interdimensional network of servers overseen by sentient computers called ”motes.” In desperation, the motes summon heroes from a variety of parallel game worlds to face off against each [...]
Umihara Kawase is a girl who uses a fishing hook as a grappling hook. You’ll need quick reflexes to swing your way through the branching surreal environments. Use your brains to figure out the best way through. They say fish is brain [...]
The world controlled by blade, magic and fist…Fighters of diverse goals and backgrounds gather for battle…Blade Arcus from Shining Battle Arena is a massive 2D fighting game, developed by Studio Saizensen, featuring characters from the Shining [...]
Code of Princess offers players an exciting yet unconventional experience, deftly blending the combo-heavy fighting gameplay of beat ‘em ups with the stat-boosting character customization of RPGs.
Umihara Kawase is a girl who uses a fishing hook as a grappling hook. You’ll need quick reflexes to swing your way through the branching surreal environments. Use your brains to figure out the best way through. They say fish is brain [...]
Umihara Kawase is a series of platform games, starring a nineteen-year-old Japanese school girl (Kawase Umihara), who has somehow become lost in a world of mutated salt-water and fresh-water creatures. The Umihara Kawase games’ main distinction are [...]
Umihara Kawase Shun is the second installment in the grappling hook-centric Umihara Kawase series. As in the previous game, Shun revolves around traversing levels with only a fishing rod that can attach itself to level geometry and taking advantage of [...]
Port of the 3DS version of the game (see Sayonara Umihara Kawase). It also includes a mode where you can play the First game of the series, Umihara Kawase (Super Famicon).