The Indifferent Wonder of an Edible Place is an examination of the violence of erasure. It’s a story about a municipal building eater and attempts to ponder the violent cost and the profound grief of having to survive at the edge of despotism, when [...]
In the Pause between the Ringing is a rumination about completion, about territorial margins and about the haunting of bodies and memories that are translated across borders. It is an adaption of an unpublished story written by Mir Umar Hassan for the [...]
a Museum of Dubious Splendors, is a storybook from the world of Somewhere. A quiet game about prosaic objects and spurious histories, it is an irreverent rumination on the nature of an archive and forms of recollection.
Under A Porcelain Sun, is the story of a journey in search for the Mythical city of Kayamgadh. A text driven first person adventure game set in surreal Colonial India, it tells an absurd adventure tale during the tumult of the annexation of Southern Malwa.