Objective: Kursk ## Description Objective: Kursk is a grand-tactical level game covering the Fourth Panzer Army attacks against the Soviet forces on the south flank of the Kursk salient. Each game turn consists of 12 hours of operations. Operations [...]
Baltic 1985 Third of SSI’s “When Superpowers Collide” series. Similar to Germany 1985, this installment focuses on a NATO rescue of the besieged city of West Berlin. There is only one scenario. The player controlling the West Berlin [...]
Warship ## Description Tactical wargame of naval engagements in the WW2 Pacific theatre. There are four historical battles to choose from, plus a custom scenario builder to make ‘what-if’ scenarios. Both, IJN and USN forces, can be controlled [...]
The Warp Factor ## Description Take command of United Alliance of Planets, the Klargon Empire, the Reman Star Empire, the Imperial Pirates, or the Freemen planets in the game of tactical starship combat. Engage other starships and even starbases and [...]
Shiloh: Grant’s Trial in the West ## Description The major battle in Western Theater of American Civil War fought on April 6-7, 1862 near church Shiloh in Tennessee was the bloodiest battle between Union and Confederate forces. Historically Union [...]
Set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, Chaos Gate tells the story of an Ultramarines army led by Captain Kruger, as he attempts to recover the Concordat Chaosium, a pre-Horus heresy artefact, from the hands of Chaos Lord Zymran’s forces. With a [...]
War in the Pacific ## Description War in the South Pacific is an advanced strategic simulation of the land, sea, and air campaigns in the South Pacific from May 1942 to March 1943 between Japan and the United States. Players choose from 79 different ship [...]
Field of Fire ## Description Field of Fire is a historically accurate tactical game of WWII combat. You play the commander of Easy Company, one of the finest companies of the First Infantry Division. Your assignment is to lead Easy Company through eight [...]