Imperium Galactum ## Description Not to be confused with the much, much later Imperium Galactica , this was the first fully-functional commercial “4X” space game to hit the U.S. Many of the most important features in later 4X games appeared in [...]
Lock On: Modern Air Combat is considered as a survey simulator by its creators. It contains 8 flyable aircraft and over 40 non-playable/AI-controlled planes. The game mainly revolves around air-to-air combat and air-to-ground combat with some optional, [...]
The War of the Lance is over, but Evil is a BAD loser... With the Dragonarmies defeated and the lands to the east reconquered, the forces of good have withdrawn and settled down to a well-earned rest. Evil forces, however, never rest and have been quietly [...]
Kampfgruppe ## Description A platoon-level tactical game of armored warfare that encompasses almost all ground weapons used on the Russian Front from 1941-45. Kampfgruppe puts the player in command of either a German or Russian battle group, providing [...]
Gettysburg: The Turning Point ## Description Gettysburg: The Turning Point is a grand tactical simulation of the most famous, well known and arguably the most decisive battle of the Civil War fought at the little town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania from July [...]
Six-Gun Shootout ## Description Six-Gun Shootout is a turn-based strategy game of man-to-man combat, using the setting of the American West in the 19th century. It offers ten scenarios which can be played against the computer or a human opponent. The [...]
President Elect ## Description A political simulation of the US presidential elections, President Elect allows you to simulate any campaign from the 60’s to the upcoming (at the time) 1984 election as the campaign manager for any of the candidates [...]
Operation Market Garden: Drive on Arnhem, September 1944 ## Description Operation Market Garden is a recreation of the largest daylight airborne operation in history on September 17, 1944. As commander of the Allied forces you will direct the American [...]