Computer Napoleonics: The Battle of Waterloo ## Description Computer Napoleonics: The Battle of Waterloo is a division level simulation of the Battle of Waterloo. It can be played by one or two players. One player commands the forces on Napoleon while the [...]
Panzer Grenadier ## Description Panzer Grenadier is a solitaire wargame of German armored infantry warfare on the Eastern Front during WW II. You command a regiment of Panzer Grenadiers (elite armored infantry) attached to the Grossdeutschland Panzer [...]
Inspired by the board and figurine games made popular by Games Workshop, the universe of Warhammer 40,000 is a vast and violent one, rife with strange, alien races, including the Eldar®. The mysterious Eldar are all that remains of a once great and [...]
Chronicles of Osgorth: The Shattered Alliance ## Description The Shattered Alliance is a tactical simulation of the first battles of the planet Osgorth. The game is designed for 2 players or can be played against the computer. Osgorth is in the Andromeda [...]
Reforger ’88 ## Description Reforger 88 is grand tactical game of combat between the forces of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, which takes place at the Fulda Gap in the year 1988. The game covers the first week of the war. The Warsaw Pact attacks with 12 [...]
Prophecy of the Shadow ## Description A long foretold prophecy is about to be fulfilled. The Shadow Lords are on the verge of entering our world. The hero has to find a way to break the string of events, that are foretold by the prophecy. Magic is dying [...]