Collection of Mana is a collection of the first three installments in the Mana (Japanese Seiken Densetsu) series, which were originally released in the first half of the 90’s. The gamescreated by Squaresoft (today Square-Enix) are among the first [...]
Bravely Archive: D’s Report is a Japanese RPG developed by Square Enix for mobile devices. This is a side game in relation to the Bravely Default cycle. The action is set several hundred years after the events from the console parts of the series. [...]
Fortune Tellers Academy is a Japanese RPG game released for AND and iOS. The game is available in a free-to-play model with optional microtransactions and was developed by Square Enix’s in-house development studio. The main designer was Jin [...]
SquareEnix decided to recall the first installments of the extremely popular RPG series, Dragon Quest. In the Wii Collection set there are five items waiting for players, parts I-III from NES and later conversions released from Super Nintendo. All these [...]
Secret of Mana is a direct attempt to transfer to mobile devices the cult Japanese RPG action game of the same title, which was originally released in 1993 on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). As in the case of the original, we are dealing [...]
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation is a Japanese RPG released on AND, Wii and iOS. This is a refreshed version of the classic production, originally released on an 8-bit NES console in 1988. The original was developed by the Chunsoft studio. ### [...]
A Crystalline Prophecy is the first mini-complement to Final Fantasy XI. It contains a single scenario for the game, enriching it with one adventure and new items for all professions. A Crystalline Prophecy has a new, unrelated to the basic version of the [...]
Championship Manager: All-Stars is an Android-based football manager. The production was developed by Square Enix and the game uses a free model with micropayments. ### Mechanics The authors were not strong in their attempts to create a complete and [...]