Itsuki, a high school student, finds out on the day of his graduation ceremony that his cousin and childhood friend Mahiru is pregnant. Immediately afterward, Itsuki and Mahiru are taken to a magical world called Granbania, which is currently being [...]
Final Fire Pro Wrestling features detailed action and more than 200 wrestlers from which to choose, as well as the ability to create and store wrestlers of your own. It also allows you to connect up to four Game Boy Advances and take on, team up, or trade [...]
King of Colosseum Red is a Japanese pro wrestling game featuring the All Japan Pro Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling and MMA org, Pancrase Hybrid Wrestling. King of Colosseum: Shin Nippon x Zen Nippon x Pancrase Disc
## Description Twilight Island, one of Japan’s tourist hotspots during the summer, has become the source of a disturbing rumor as of late. It tells of several visitors being spirited away to another place, which at first sight seems to be the same [...]
## Description This demo version of the first Danganronpa game allows the player to experience an alternate version of the game’s first chapter, with a similar setup but different characters involved in the murder, in order to avoid spoiling early [...]
## Description _Danganronpa_ is a murder-mystery visual novel with action elements. The player takes the role of Makoto Naegi, a new student at the prestigious Hope’s Peak Academy in Tokyo. Hope’s Peak is a high school that only admits the [...]