The Shapers have the ability to create life, in any form they choose. They can make plants to grow in harsh wastelands, living tools that obey their commands, and powerful monsters to crush any who oppose them. They jealously guard their powers and [...]
The Shapers have the ability to create life in any form they choose. They can make living tools that obey their commands, plants that can flourish in the harshest wasteland, and powerful monsters that can crush all who oppose them. The Shapers ruled the [...]
Avadon 2: The Corruption is an epic fantasy role-playing adventure in an enormous and unique world. You can choose from five different character classes, each with dozens of unique spells and abilities. Explore cunning dungeons, hunt for hundreds of [...]
Huge indie fantasy role-playing adventure in a massive, underground land. Packed with over 100 towns and dungeons and an epic story. Fight to complete up to three distinct game-winning quests. Master over 60 spells and abilities. Hunt for hundreds of [...]