This is additional content for The Wake: Mourning Father, Mourning Mother, but does not include the base game. ## About This Content The original soundtrack of the game The Wake: Mourning Father, Mourning Mother. Music Composed, Arranged by Seongyi Yi. [...]
The Wake is a record of past wounds opened at a three-day funeral. The journal is encoded with a simple substitution cipher that the player must break in order to reveal the writer’s psyche and discover the contradictions that define him. ## About This [...]
Legal Dungeon is a game about organizing police investigation documents. This game has 14 endings and 6 achievements, as well as a cute Screen Mate shop. Judge the lives of others and collect all items! ‘Staking out near an intoxicated target to [...]
The virtual country in the game has suffered a major terror attack just a few days ago. People are terrorized, and the state is increasing security in order to arrest the terrorists and to prevent further attacks. Governmental intelligence obtained the [...]
Rabbit Hole 3D: Steam Edition is a minimalistic retro puzzle game. The game features 3D word puzzles based on Chapter 1 of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Players must navigate through keywords from the book’s initial chapter.
RETSNOM is an inventive pixel art puzzle platformer that allows player to break the map by mirroring sections of the level, and rearranging it on the fly to save a sick daughter. RETSNOM is an inventive pixel art puzzle platformer that allows player to [...]