The Catacombs is a first-person horror game in which you must venture through a creepy cave system to escape. You are not alone. A monster will be hunting for you as you try to escape this place and as your flashlight is slowly running out of power, you [...]
Catacomb Apocalypse is the final game in the Catacomb Adventure Series. It was set in the distant future, accessible via time portals, and mixed fantasy and science fiction elements, pitting players against robotic necromancers and the like. It is also [...]
Same or Different ## Description This is a very simple EGA game that displays a screen with four images of random items and the child chooses whether all the images are the same or if one of them is different. After answering YES or NO, feedback is given [...]
Catacomb Armageddon is the sequel to Catacomb Abyss, only now set in the present day. The levels featured, among others, towns, forests, temples, torture chambers, an ant colony, and a crystal maze. It was developed by Softdisk and was later republished [...]
Catacombs ## Description Your village is cursed with a plague and the only solution available is for you to go into the underground Catacombs to find a mysterious sorcerer. No one is sure if he is good or evil but his powers came from potions he brewed so [...]
Magic Boxes ## Description A mathematical game with a twist: you are given a four by four equation lattice with the symbols and numbers missing. Your job is to fill in the squares so that all the equations across and down are correct. You have a set of [...]
Dark Designs II: Closing the Gate ## Description Having recovered Grelminar’s Staff in Dark Designs I: Grelminar’s Staff, a group of adventurers must now journey to Mount Delkeina, traverse the dangerous tunnels there, defeat an evil warlord, [...]
Pixel Puzzler ## Description This program takes graphic files, splits them into squares and shuffles the squares around. By selecting two squares with the keyboard or mouse, the player can swap their locations on the screen. The object is to reassemble [...]