Star Maze ## Description In the year 2891, explorers have discovered an alien artifact of immense power. Hidden within the _Star Maze_ are jewels of immense power. Powerful aliens guard these crystals of pure energy, intent of keeping them safe. The [...]
Terrorists are trying to change history by helping Germany to win the Battle of Normandy on D-Day. You have to keep them from changing history. You fly a helicopter and command troops advancing on the enemies base.
The smoke is clearing and the bullets have stopped flying. Arulco is free at last, but your job’s not over. An all-powerful corporation is assaulting the tiny country, and once again, you’re needed! Enter a whole new chapter of the critically [...]
The ultimate aim of the game is to collect three artifacts and to place each on its pedestal in the final zone. This allows ascension to the Cosmic Circle, where the player becomes a god. There are four main paths to proceed through the game: Allying with [...]
The Mad Overlord Trebor was once only power-mad, but went off the deep end after he acquired a magical amulet of immense power, only to have it stolen from him by his nemesis, the evil archmage Werdna. Werdna, not quite sure how to use the amulet [...]
Are you ready to take the next step into the world of Wizardry? A step so dangerous, the mere utterance of a spell can decimate the entire city of Llylgamyn. Knight of Diamonds is the Second Scenario in the Wizardry Master Series, the fantasy role-playing [...]
Ten years ago, Wizardry set the standards in Fantasy Role-Playing (FRP). Now after two million copies have been sold and dozens of awards have been won, Bane of the Cosmic Forge raises and redefines those standards. This new Wizardry , the truest [...]