Ka-52 Team Alligator ## Description Take the latest Russian attack chopper out for a spin! Take multiple wingmen out on semi-dynamic campaign missions as you move in to surpress civil unrest in Belarus and Tajikistan in this fully 3D state-of-the-art [...]
Xenocracy ## Description Xenocracy is a cross between a space combat action sim and a political strategy game. In the far future, four planetary superpowers (the Earth Dominion, the Mercury League, the Venus Alliance and the Mars Combine) are vying for [...]
MiG-29M Super Fulcrum ## Description Taking off from where MiG-29 Fulcrum left off, Simis created a new simulator based around the top-modern MiG-29M. The M model has been equipped with modernised avionics, a fly-by-wire system and stronger engines. As [...]
Flight Sim Toolkit ## Description Flight Sim Toolkit is a feature-rich package of tools with which you can create your own custom aircraft, worlds, and challenging flight sim scenarios. A Windows based set of tools allows you to save your creations as [...]
Ka-50 Hokum ## Description In this game you are a commander of a Base Ship cruising around Indonesia and a pilot of four helicopters available on it. These helicopters are Kamov Ka-50 Hokum (assault), MIL Mi-8 Hip (assault/transport), Westland Lynx [...]
Super-VGA Harrier ## Description Super-VGA Harrier is an upgraded version of AV-8B Harrier Assault, but modified to use SVGA resolution (640×480), otherwise, the game is identical. You lead a marine expeditionary force trying to occupy West Timor. At [...]
Terracide ## Description A colony of ex-humans, having left Earth generations ago, are returning in gigantic dropships to destroy their former home world. Mutated by the harsh climates of their adopted planets, they have little in common with their human [...]
Team Apache ## Description Simis was known for it’s great Flight Sim Toolkit. With Team Apache people are reminded of that company. Fly an Apache through three different scenarios. The handling is easy to learn and you can interact with your [...]