This is a very challenging war chess + roguelike game, with random mazes, free combination of teams, and turn-based combat. In the game, players will lead all kinds of undead to counterattack the human world! ## About This Game My blood is drained and my [...]
is a new generation of adventure card games. With randomly generated levels, nearly a hundred powerful cards, artifacts for your use, and three unique pets to play with you. ## About This Game [figure 1] “Ailu”-meaning children of elves and [...]
与众不同的战棋游戏。随机迷宫、自由队伍、回合战斗。 ## About This Game 血液已经干涸,身躯早已腐朽,当我从坟墓中爬出来的那一刻,心中只有一个声音—-让世界感受我的痛苦。 作为玩家,你将带领一众亡灵,反攻人类世界。 盗墓贼,探险者,掘墓人,一切胆敢侵犯亡者尊严的跳梁小丑都将受到你的制裁。 百战老兵,圣殿骑士,人类世界的大领主,任何妄图要镇压亡灵的勇者都将由你赐予他们最深的绝望。 你将制定新的秩序,推翻教会,反攻旧神,将万物笼罩在你的恐怖之下。 [...]