Zaurus SL-C760 was developed by Sharp., Released in 2004 An improved version of the SL-C700 with double the internal flash storage of the SL-C750 and a larger battery. it was sold only in Japan.
Zaurus SL-C750 was developed by Sharp., Released in 2003 An improved version of the SL-C700 with longer battery life, a faster processor and updated software. It was sold only in Japan.
Zaurus SL-C1000 was developed by Sharp., Released in 200? Personal Digital Assistant from Sharp similar to SL-C3000 but with 128 MB Flash ROM instead of HDD.
Zaurus SL-5600 was developed by Sharp., Released in 2002 Personal Digital Assistant from Sharp. Successor to the SL-5500 with greater processing capability, increased RAM and an inbuilt speaker and microphone.