Cage Match ## Description _Cage Match_ is a single screen one to two player wrestling game where the ring is viewed from an elevated angle set in space as you attempt to beat five other fighters from across the universe. At the start of the game you can [...]
Star Wars Pinball: The Empire Strikes Back ## Description Based on the movie, so the storyline is basically the same. You play as Luke Skywalker, and using your blaster, lightsaber and force power skills, you must journey through Hoth, Echo Base, Dagobah, [...]
Boggle Plus ## Description Boggle Plus is an adaptation of the word construction game in which players must form words from adjacent letters in a randomly assigned grid within a time limit. The game includes Boggle (4×4 grid) and Big Boggle (5×5 [...]
Jack Nicklaus’ Unlimited Golf & Course Design ## Description Another golf game, featuring an extensive course designer as a value-added feature. Similar to Links or PGA Tour Golf, both of which came out around the same time. Jack [...]
Los Angeles SWAT ## Description The streets of Los Angeles are not safe. Lately, the kids are sick and tired of parents ordering them about and telling them what to do, so they decide to go out on the streets and threaten to club every policeman who gets [...]
Jack Nicklaus Golf & Course Design: Signature Edition ## Description The Signature Edition is an improved version of Jack Nicklaus’ Unlimited Golf & Course Design. The game and course design interface are fairly similar so there is no [...]
Slam-Dunk ## Description Slam-Dunk is a two on two basketball game. Play against the computer or against another player. The game is divided into 4 quarters of three minutes each. The team with the highest score at the end of the final quarter wins. An [...]