Blaze of Battle ## Description In the land of Virg, it is custom to select the King at the Tournament of Champions. Aspiring to rule the human world, a zealous demon from the Netherworld sends out five phantoms to posses each contender, so that the last [...]
Berserk: Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shou ## Description Berserk Millennium Falcon Arc is the second video game based on the Berserk manga and once again developed by Yuke ‘s Co. Ltd. This game is based on the Millennium Falcon Arc chapters [...]
Angel Paradise Vol. 2: Yoshino Kimika: Isshoni I-ta-i in Hawaii ## Description Released only five months after Angel Paradise Vol.1, volume two of Angel Paradise features similar gameplay but focuses on a new gravure idol, namely, Kimika Yoshino (吉野公佳). [...]