Robot Entertainment is a video game development and publishing company created by the founders of the defunct Ensemble Studios, after being shut down by Microsoft. Other members of the company founded Bonfire Studios. Robot Entertainment was responsible for maintaining and updating Halo Wars until February 28, 2010, when Microsoft Studios assumed control of the game servers and updates. Also, in January 2011, Microsoft Studios took over updates and servers for Age of Empires III. Robot Entertainment have since released games including ‘Orcs Must Die!’, ‘Orcs Must Die! 2’, ‘Hero Academy’ and ‘Echo Prime’.

Their headquarters are located in Piano, Texas, United States.
Official website:

Orcs Must Die! Unchained

Orcs Must Die! 2 – Family Ties Booster Pack

Orcs Must Die! 2 – Are We There Yeti?

Orcs Must Die! – Artifacts of Power

Orcs Must Die! 2 – Fire and Water Booster Pack

Orcs Must Die! – Lost Adventures

Orcs Must Die!

Echo Prime