In the crumbling ruins of a world under siege, man-machine meets machine-man as legendary cyborgs clash to decide the fate of the Earth. As Robocop, you must travel across time into a bloody future ruled by the mechanical forces of Skynet. You’ll [...]
When the sun aligns with the moon once every millennium, druid guardians summon their magic of their runestones to prevent the rebirth of the Warlock. The runestones are scattered through time and across the continents and you must find them before the [...]
As a Silencer, one of the elite enforcers of the World Economic Consortium, you’re supposed to be incorruptible. But if the system you serve is utterly corrupt, where does that leave you? You go over to the Resistance, the same pack you used to hunt [...]
An update of U.S. Ski Team Skiing, Mountain Madness: Super Pro Skiing includes code from that game, but offers new features such as enhanced graphics, create-your-own course, and random skiing, which has a helicopter dropping players off on uncharted mountains.
The story evolves through a nearly two dozen chapters of audio clips and spoken dialogue. A static image fills the screen for each chapter, naturally in sync with the happenings of that particular part. As the story progresses, you're given options to [...]
Captain America and the Avengers is an arcade game released by Data East in 1991. It features the Marvel Comics characters The Avengers in a side-scrolling brawling and shooting adventure to defeat the evil Red Skull.
“Is it just me, or am I engulfed in flames?” is one of the many one-liners uttered by Gex, a wise cracking gecko who should check himself into television rehab; he’s addicted to it. After saving the Television Realm from the evil Rez in [...]