This is additional content for ChronoClock, but does not include the base game. ## About This Content Chronoclock Drama CD is a short story featuring Cro. While lounging around the Sawatari household she enlists D.D. to find out more about the girls that [...]
This is additional content for ChronoClock, but does not include the base game. ## About This Content The ChronoClock – Original Soundtrack contains the complete soundtrack from the game. With 29 tracks, the soundtrack also features the opening [...]
Lucid dreams. Dreams where you know that you’re dreaming. Starting after a certain accident, Tohru Naitou began to have nothing but lucid dreams. Sleep normally exists in order to rest peacefully. But he can no longer rest whether he’s asleep or awake. He [...]
Amatsutsumi Amatsutsumi is an Adventure game, developed and published by Purple, which was released in Japan in 2016. It takes about 40 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Just Right Amatsutsumi
Next in line to manage a multi-million dollar corporation is our protagonist, Rei Sawatari. He inherited one very important heirloom from his late grandfather: a single pocket watch that grants him a mysterious power— The power to go five minutes back in time.