## Description _Lolita: Yaky ūken_ is a simple video game adaptation of yakyūken, a Japanese parlor game that is essentially strip rock-paper-scissors. The gameplay involves pressing one of the three numbered keys (1, 2 or 3) corresponding to the rock, [...]
## Description _Lolita 2: Gek ō Chase_ has little to do with its predecessor gameplay-wise. It is a very simple text-only adventure in which the protagonist must track young girls after school and have them perform various actions (a few of them of a [...]
## Description _Final Lolita_ has little to do with PSK’s previous similarly-named titles gameplay-wise; however, it shares with them the macabre premise of sex with underage girls, and is the most explicit and violent of the three. The game’s [...]
Cosmo Angel ## Description In the year 2888 an interstellar organization named Gammos began to terrorize space. Using a powerful new weapon known as GRAY-Q, Gammos launched an unprecedented assault on the headquarters of the Galactic Federation. The [...]
Yellow Lemon ## Description Yellow Lemon is a simple text-based simulation game consisting entirely of conversations with four school girls. The player has to type conversations topics and responses, hoping to increase the girl’s [...]