The story revolves around young sorceress who has just graduated from school of magic. She heard tales of the powerful wizard Alzar, so she embarked on a journey to find him, hoping he will teach her advanced magic. She faced many obstacles, dangers and [...]
This content requires the base game SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell – Soundtrack is the official soundtrack which includes a collection of 10 headbanging tracks from the [...]
Escape the all-new set of locations in Faraway 4: Ancient Escape, full of complex puzzles and a great new environment ready to be explored. This room escape game will challenge your puzzle solving and adventuring ability. Prequel to one of the all-time [...]
The story revolves around a heartbroken king who had lost his young son in a climbing accident. He locks away that which his son loved most - the ocean-colored birds that populated their kingdom. In doing so, he stole the very wind from the skies. Release [...]
It’s been several years now, since your journey began, searching for your lost father. After unraveling a huge number of mind-boggling puzzles, the last gateway you entered took you to an altogether new wintery continent filled with frosty, new temples to [...]
Faraway: Puzzle Escape is one of the best puzzle and adventure game, the game is released by Snapbreak. This room escape game will surely challenge your puzzle escaping ability, and your objective is to escape the ancient temples. Faraway: Puzzle Escape
SEUM: The Drunk Side of the Moon is an expansion which adds 3 new powerups and 33 new levels in the new space environment. Speedrun mode now has mutators which allow you to play speedrun mode by having a powerup of your choosing when you start the level. [...]
It’s been almost a year since you started your journey, searching for your lost father. After solving a multitude of mind-boggling puzzles, the last portal you went through took you to an entirely new continent full of new temples to explore. It seems [...]