Ieyasu Tokugawa, who ended the era of Sengoku and unified Japan. This man created a highway connecting the capital of Kyoto and Edo. It is called the Tokaido-53-tsugi. On this Tokaido, three ninjas will travel from Edo in this present day with a secret [...]
Kami no Machi( a.k.a. 神の聖都 ) was developed by Panther Software., Released in December 1989 Other Informations: MEDIA: FD x3 + 1 Single CD. Released in December 1989 in Japan.
Joshua( a.k.a. ジョシュア ) was developed by Panther Software, Released in April 25, 1992 Other Informations: BARCODE: 4988698010470 MEDIA: FD x5 Released on April 25, 1992 in Japan.
Metal Dungeon (メタルダンジョン?) is a turn-based role-playing video game developed by Panther Software for Microsoft’s Xbox game system. The game takes place in a fictional alternate reality where countries have access to highly advanced magitechnology. In [...]