## Description Based on the feature film of Michel Ocelot, _Azur & Asmar_ is a platform game where the player helps the two heroes in their quest to find the Djinn-fairy and release her from her chamber. The story and the visuals are inspired by [...]
Eden’s Quest: The Hunt for Akua ## Description Eden’s Quest is essentially a puzzle game similar to the ones in the Professor Layton series, where the objective is to solve a series of separate, self-contained challenges to complete the story. [...]
Sam, Alex and Clover decide to room together in their “dream house.” Life couldn’t get cooler, until they’ve unwittingly made their home right above an Underground Secret Services Center. To prevent a catastrophic security leak, [...]
Pure Hidden ## Description pure hidden is a hidden object game without any plot or cutscenes, where most of the time the objective is to find and click on the items listed at the bottom of the screen, on abstract landscapes and collages filled with [...]
Miss Teri Tales – Where’s Jason ## Description Miss Teri Tale is a hidden object game. Like all games of this genre, the main objective is to find all the objects from a list. Each location is presented as a screen filled with objects. Hints [...]
Miss Teri Tales – Vote 4 Me ## Description Miss Teri Tale: Vote 4 Me is a hidden object game, where the player must search and click on items from a list at the left of the screen, on locations filled with assorted objects, within a time limit. [...]