“Dungeons of Desolation” is a dungeon crawler to be released on Xbox Live Indie Games and PC (after the XBLIG release). It has a roguelike feel to the gameplay, but will have a complex skill system, tons of items and nice non-pixelated [...]
Avenge Quest is an action RPG/Puzzle game. Combat features a first person targeting system where enemy weakness must be found and exploited to be successful. The crafting system uses puzzle mechanics so the only limit of the item’s power is the [...]
Snowmangeddon was developed by OnlyLuck Interactive Snowmangeddon was Released on Windows,iOS,Android Snowmangeddon is a Single Player game Winter is here and the snowmen have risen! Try to stop the hoard of killer snow-monsters using only snow as your [...]
Wreak havoc across the land as you battle your way through villagers and heroic knights in order capture fair maidens and feed them to your dark lord to increase his powers Wreak havoc across the land as you battle your way through villagers and heroic [...]