This content requires the base game Jazzpunk: Director’s Cut on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content In 2017, we upgraded _Jazzpunk_ to _Jazzpunk: Director’s Cut_ , adding in a ton of new content for free. Alongside this upgrade, we [...]
The game is centered around a top-secret espionage agency operating out of an abandoned subway station in late 1950's Japan. The player takes the role of Polyblank, a silent protagonist. The game begins when Polyblank is mailed to the espionage agency in [...]
Jazzpunk is a comedy adventure set in an alternate reality Cold War World, plagued with corporate espionage, CyberCrime, and sentient martinis. Gameplay is inspired by spoof comedy films and cartoons of yesteryear, with a focus on weird gadgets, exotic [...]