Genpei Toumaden ni no Maki was developed by Namco Limited., Released in April 07, 1992 Genpei Touma Den Kan no Ni is the sequel to Genpei Touma Den, an arcade game originally released in 1986 (this second episode is however exclusive to the PC Engine [...]
Genpei Toumaden – Computer Boardgame was developed by Namco Limited., Released in October 21, 1988 Other Informations: Game ID: NAM-GT-4900 Genpei Toumaden was released on October 21, 1988 in Japan. Genpei Toumaden – Computer Boardgame
Gear Stadium was developed by Namco Limited., Released in 1991 Other Informations: [Model T-14037] Reviews: November 1991 – Consoles + N.3 (Page 133) [FR]: 61/100 – TIPS AND TRICKS – * Sound test: During the “Namco(t)” [...]
Galaga & Galaxian was developed by Namco Limited., Released in July 14, 1995 Galaga: The Galaga Military Front has Launched a Full Attack! Accompanied by an escort of evil Zakos and Goei guards, the Boss Galagas attempt to lock you into their tractor [...]
Fun Cube 4 was developed by Namco Limited., Released in 2001 Released in March 2002. – SERIES – 1. Fun Cube (2000) 2. Fun Cube 2 (2001) 3. Fun Cube 3 (2001) 4. Fun Cube 4 (2002) 5. Fun Cube 5 (2002)
Family Boxing was developed by Namco Limited., Released in June 19, 1987 Other Informations: [Model NAM-FB-4900] Family Boxing was released on June 19, 1987 in Japan. It was later released in North America as “Ring King [Model NES-RK-USA]”. [...]
???????? ??? was developed by Namco Limited., Released in September 27, 1988 Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken Other Informations: Game ID: NAM-YB-4900 Released on September 27, 1988 in Japan. ???????? ???