There once lived a programmer, a real genius one. He didn’t live too long, though: the world’s imperfections made the genius soul-sick, to the point when one rainy day he took his life. All that was left from him were his small apartment with a game disk [...]
This classic RTS tells a story about the war between native Indians and European colonists. These two very different sides oppose each other over the course of many missions and campaigns.
Use your own force of gravity to pass, seemingly impassable levels! This is a real hardcore for fans of difficult levels and true competition. You will go through each of these levels and prove to everyone what you can do?
One against all …. No, this is not the dreams of a suffering teenager, it’s an ordinary day in the life of our hero. To kill? Gone? Have a good time, carving the eyes of a sobbing victim? Each of his actions drags on the death penalty.
The game is set in a dark pixel fantasy world. Destroy hordes of monsters ruling over what once was a prosperous land. 10 levels filled with various enemies await, you, each requiring a different approach to defeat. Like in any RPG, leveling up is the [...]