Doctor Who – Time Streams was developed by Midway Mfg. Co., Released in 1992 Other Informations: Midway WPC (Fliptronics II) Model Number : 20006 CPU : Motorola M6809 @ 2 MHz Sound CPU : Motorola M6809 @ 2 MHz Sound Chips : Yamaha YM2151 @ 3.579545 [...]
Bosconian – Star Destroyer was developed by Midway Mfg. Co., Released in February 1982 Export version by Midway for North America. Game developed in Japan by Namco. For more information about the game itself, please see the original Japanese release [...]
18 Wheeler was developed by Midway Mfg. Co., Released in July 1979 NEW: 18 WHEELER Electro-Mechanical Game Excitement by Midway – a Bally Company. KING OF THE ROAD! Other Informations: [Game No. 653] 18 Wheeler was released in July 1979 in North [...]
## Description _Playtime_ is a Pong variant for two players. The players use joysticks to move their on-screen paddles in all directions. The goal remains to bounce the ball towards the other player’s side to score points. Players can select a ball speed.
## Description _M-4_ is a very simple 2D arcade shooter game, with monochrome graphics. The player controls a tank on one side of screen and must destroy the second player’s/CPU’s tank. Movement takes place only on the up-down axis, like in [...]