The story of Chaos Legion is a gothic opera which begins November, 791 A.S. (Anno Satanis): The protagonist, Sieg Wahrheit, is a Knight of the Dark Glyphs who is on a quest under command of the Order of St. Overia to find his former friend, Victor [...]
The 4th game in the Legend of Heroes series and second game in the Gagharv trilogy. It was released in North America without a series number in its name before the first game in the trilogy was brought over. The other 2 games in the trilogy were renamed [...]
Ranma ½: Hiryu Densetsu ## Description Hiry ū Densetsu is one of the games based on the manga and anime series Ranma 1/2. The protagonist is a young martial artist who is afflicted with a peculiar curse: touching cold water turns him into a girl. The [...]
The 5th game in The Legend of Heroes series and last game in the Gagharv trilogy. The trilogies titles have been changed in North America to match a mistake in the title of previously released games. Because of this the trilogies order was mixed up.
The 3rd game in the Legend of Heroes series and first game in the Gagharv trilogy. It was released in North America after the second game in the trilogy was released with a changed title. The trilogies titles have been changed in North America because of [...]